Putri, Pura, Gentong, Sinta, Carik, Lurah, Bayi.


This sacred mountain which rises to 1650 m is made of a peak surrounded by four other tops a little less raised and resembles to the legendary descriptions of the Meru mount. One listed there 81 buildings, temples, caves, baths built between 977 and 1511. They were discovered in 1935 and are spread out over the slopes of the mountain between 750 and 1500 m of altitude. Many are natural caves preceded by several terraces. The walls of the platforms present sometimes carved panels. The illustration in large size of this type of sanctuary will be found finally sublimated with the two sites of Candi Sukuh and of Candi Ceto on the slopes of the Lawu mount.

The access to the following series of temples (impossible to find without a guide), is done since Candi Jalatunda.


Candi Putri :

This first temple is to approximately 1 hour 30 mn of walk.

c. Putri



It is a temple with three terraces, in weak withdrawal the ones compared to the others.
There remain only the bases about it. There are no reliefs.



Candi Pura :

c. Pura



A little higher than the precedent, one can see the remainders, in bad condition, of this temple.



Candi Gentong :

c. Gentong



This site, it remains only one large earthenware jar half inserted in the ground, and a altar with offrandes.



Candi Sinta :

c. Sinta



La There too, some remainders only: an altar, something which resembles a tomb, and further,



c. Sinta



A more significant building, and on three levels, of which it is difficult to specify the exact function.



Candi Carik :

c. Carik



Here is a large building not too badly preserved, which is spread out over six terraces that one reaches by a central staircase.



Candi Lurah :

c. Lurah



There again, a large building which is staged on at least six levels. The first three are well preserved.



Candi Bayi :

c. Bayi



There remain only the ruins of a small altar.

